
7 Tips to Build an Influential Personality

In today’s business or social environment, the ability to persuade others is becoming increasingly important.

Community living and social groups are becoming increasingly important in our lives outside work. From sporting or adventure groups to social groups to volunteer groups working for the greater good.

In all of these cases, cooperating and being a positive addition necessitates the ability to impact and persuade others effectively.

So, what is it about a personality that makes it influential?

Well, after ten years of research in professional and social settings narrowed it down to six Cs and one V.


1. Credibility

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The first and most crucial is credibility. The accuracy of being trustable and credible is defined as credibility. The way a person fulfills his commitments to others builds his credibility.


2. Competence

What exactly is competence? - IPMA International Project Management  Association

Competence is the ability and understanding to perform in the domain you want to influence. Competence is a critical factor in increasing your credibility and thus your ability to influence others. Remember that it will be much more challenging to persuade people to listen to your point of view if you are regarded to be lacking in either knowledge or skills needed.


3. Consistency

To be credible and then have the ability to influence others, your principles, values, and beliefs must be easy to predict and specific. People want consistency in your behavior, the values or principles that guide your decisions, and the causes you support, among other things.


4. Caring

Being aware of and concerned about the well-being, goals, and objectives of others is another essential pillar in developing credibility and your Influencing personality. People will be more willing to listen to your recommendations and are less likely to oppose people if they see you as someone who prioritizes the needs and expectations of others when making decisions.


5. Courage

The ability to face fears and meet obstacles in the face of danger is a desirable trait that few people possess. People gravitate toward and follow the leaders who come forward as well as ‘Bell the Cat.’ The brave speak up in larger groups; they are the ones people look to start things.


6. Candor

Being honest, open, and clear is possibly the most critical quality we must cultivate to gain credibility. A credible person is known to be open and honest. The fact is that such an individual is known to ‘call a Spade a Spade,’ and his suggestions rarely have an underlying hidden agenda.


7. Visibility

Many people have built credibility through many of the factors mentioned above; however, they lack awareness with a broader audience. They avoid the spotlight and prefer not to express their thoughts and opinions.


We hope the seven points listed above empower and enable you to take control of your growth by positively influencing others.


