Life Hacks

6 Ingredients In Your Home That You Can Use To Clean Your Jewelry

Do you have an heirloom from your Granny that has tarnished with time? Take them out of your jewelry box because it’s cleaning time! Why go to a jeweler’s store when you can easily clean your diamonds and sapphire right at home, that too using the ingredient from your kitchen? Here are some nifty tricks from the old wives’ book to give your jewelry and precious stones a shiny look.

Easy Ways To Clean Your Precious Jewelry At Home

1. Alka Seltzer

Who knew the antacid could prove to be a great cleaner for your diamonds? The effervescence in the Seltzer gets off all the dirt from your precious jewelry leaving them new as ever. Just soak your jewelry in water with Alka-Seltzer. Know the process is completed when the effervescence stops.

2. Baking Soda 

Baking soda does wonders when it comes to cleaning your jewelry squeaky clean. Here are a couple of cleaning recipes that you can try. 

With Baking Soda + Water & Aluminum Foil

This is a no-scrubbing method for cleaning your silver jewelry. Just put your silver chains and pendants in a bowl covered with aluminum foil and containing hot water for a while and voila! Your silver jewelry will be shining once again. You will know it’s done when the water turns murky.

With Baking Soda + Dish soap + Salt + Water

This method is best used for harder stones like diamond and platinum. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and lint-free cloth to avoid any damage to your jewelry. This method is not recommended for soft metals like gold and silver.

3. Beer

Do you have a waste beer can from last night’s party? Don’t flow it down your sink. Go ahead, and use it to clean your gold jewelry. It may not work well with silver jewelry. 

4. Ammonia & Water

Here is a trick to clean your precious stones like rubies, diamonds, and sapphire. Make a mixture of one part ammonia and six parts water and clean hardstones with a cotton swab instead of using a brush.

5. Ketchup

Ketchup is not just a condiment, it is a great jewelry cleaner too. From jewelry to cutlery, wipe your tarnished silver off with ketchup and you will be surprised to see the results. Apparently, tomatoes in ketchup have tartaric acid that reacts with the oxidized layer on the silver

6. Toothpaste

The oldest trick in the wives’ book, toothpaste is best used to clean artificial jewelry and crystalline gemstones. Take some toothpaste on a soft bristles brush and gently scrub your jewelry with it. Be careful as it is abrasive and leave scratch marks.


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