
5 Ways In Which Flax Seeds Harm Your Health

We have always heard nothing but good things about flax seeds. How it helps us get fit and lose weight, how it keeps our gut and overall health strong, but don’t fall prey to all the hype around this seed. Unfortunately, it comes with various side effects.

Here are a few of them:

1)May cause allergic reactions

There is a high chance of getting an itchy feeling, swelling, redness, or hives. Vomiting and nausea could also be an indicator of an allergy. Those who consume flaxseeds are often likely to develop allergic reactions.

2) Worsen the inflammation in the body

Flaxseeds contain inflammation-reducing omega-3 fatty acids, but according to a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, flaxseeds do the opposite. If consumed in large amounts, it could intensify inflammation in the body.

3)Unsafe during pregnancy and lactation

Due to their evident similarity with estrogen, flaxseeds may be harmful to pregnant women. Therefore, it is advised to consume flaxseeds, with a doctor’s recommendation. 

4) May cause loose stools

Flaxseeds are highly rich in fiber, a sudden increase in consumption can raise the number of bowel movements. You may also experience stomach aches, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. 

5) Reactive with other medication

Because flax seeds are high in fiber, they contribute to intestinal blockage and constipation. In this condition, the consumption of a few specific medications and supplements gets restrained. 

