
5 Real-life Paranormal Instances That Would Give You Shivers Down Your Spine

Do you remember how we all used to sit together at night in our childhood times and discuss the spooky stories that included dark figures, strange encounters, haunted houses, and mysterious whispers?

It’s been a while since we all have done it. Halloween is just around the corner, and what’s the better time than now to recall such moments?

Here we present to you 5 real-life paranormal instances that would give you chills down your spine! Read on!


1. I was carrying my son from the bathroom to his bedroom. I glanced in my bedroom as I passed and thought I saw a man sitting on my bed. I assumed my eyes and the shadows were playing tricks and said nothing — then my son asked, “Who’s the old man sitting on your bed, mommy?” © DeeAisha / Twitter 

2. My mom used to clean the house of an elderly couple. They didn’t have any kids, so their house was empty, aside from them. The husband passed away, and about a week after the service, we were at their house cleaning, I was in their bedroom, and my mom was in their bathroom. I had my back turned to the bed and off to my left was a mirror that they had was facing the bed. While cleaning, I kinda half-turned, and momentarily looked into the mirror and saw the lady’s deceased husband standing next to the bed and looking down at it. He then looked up at me through the mirror, so I quickly turned to look at their bed, and he was gone. It really freaked me out, and I quickly joined my mom in the bathroom. © indigo-10 / Reddit

3. When I was about 10, 4 of our cousins lived with us. I had 2 siblings, so that means there were 7 of us. We were in the family room, sitting in a circle, playing a game. My parents were out doing whatever adult errands they had that day, when we all heard the voice of my grandma calling out “Zachary!” (one of my cousins was named Zach). No one heard my parents come home, and they didn’t mention they would be getting our grandma, so we all ran out of the room to greet her. We quickly realized my parents were not home, and our grandmother wasn’t there either. We even went outside to check, and there was no one in our neighbor’s yards either. We were baffled. It was one of many paranormal instances in that house, but this one was experienced by 7 people together. © RockyMtnRivulets / Reddit

4. I thought I was dreaming. I must have been barely 5 years old. I woke up, and someone was tapping my head. I looked up, and my grandma was staring at me with the scariest creepiest smile on her face. I flung myself away, looked back up, and she was gone. © RedeRules770 / Reddit

5. I currently live in a haunted house. I’ve heard voices, footsteps, lights have been turned on/off, one of the ghosts has a thing for silverware. But the strangest/scariest experience I had was the first night I spent in the house. I wasn’t finished moving in, and there were boxes everywhere as I didn’t even have my mattress up there yet. I was sleeping on an old futon mattress watching a video on my phone when I got the pins & needles feeling of my feet falling asleep. Except it wasn’t on my feet, it was on the top of my head in the shape of a hand. I said: “Good night,” turned off my light, and tried to sleep. When I woke up, my closet door was ajar but other than that everything was otherwise untouched. I guess whoever my unseen roommate is just wanted to check out who I was on my first night. © mrttenor / Reddit

