
5 Creative Ways to Promote Your Product on Social Media

Courtesy: OTT Live

Have products to sell? Social Media is one growing source of marketing your products. The art is in understanding just how to do that. Here’s some help!

1. Use social media contests to draw attention.

Courtesy: Ecwid

You can advertise your product subtly through a contest without explicitly advertising it. Social media contests will draw viewers’ attention to your brand and product. Keep the contest lighthearted and straightforward, and give out prizes to all participants to get the most out of it.

Example:  Dove recently launched a Facebook contest called “Real beauty should be shared.” Users had to explain why their friends symbolise true beauty by filling in their friends’ names and the qualities that make their natural beauty in a fill-in-the-blank contest. They offered contestants the opportunity to become the face of Dove as a prize.

2. Promote your product to a bigger audience

Courtesy: Search Engine Journal

People who are interested in your product will like your social media profile. Due to a decline in organic reach on social media, businesses must make additional steps to ensure that their products are viewed by their target audience. Social media advertising expands your audience and might increase the number of views on your postings.

Example: Here are some statistics from our most recent Facebook advertisements for YoKart. As you can see in the screenshot above, despite having only a few hundred Facebook followers, we were still able to reach close to 300K individuals by using Facebook advertisements, and we did it for just $120 (about INR 8000).

3. Use social media to promote sales and coupon codes

Courtesy: Socialnomics

Giving free discounts and promo codes is a recently developed but effective method of promoting products on social media. Regularly post promotions to your consumers’ social media accounts to keep them interested.

Example: Lane Bryant used the end of the summer to sell off their clothing inventory. The company advertised a 50% off sale on all summer clothing on social media. The e-commerce company methodically arranged the discount and used the announcement that the summer clothes would no longer be available after this sale to interest the audience.

4. Offer social proofs to increase consumer confidence in your goods


Customer reviews and recommendations serve as influential factor that helps market your goods favourably to consumers. To keep an eye on their social proof, even big businesses with big money establish social media command centres.

For example, the GoPro Facebook page is flooded with endorsements and user-generated content. Users upload their jaw-dropping photos taken with a GoPro camera, which GoPro then shares on social media to reach more people who might be interested in purchasing their products.

5. Distribute Innovative Visual Content to Increase Engagement

Courtesy: Search Engine Journal

The most successful forms of content for engaging people on social media are images, videos, and other visual information. You can therefore gain a lot of attention for your goods by sharing imaginative photos or videos of product demonstrations on various social media platforms.

Example: The creative professionals of FATbit Technologies produced the video above for the business introduction.

