
4 Coffee Habits that will Help You Live Longer

There are a million and one ways to drink your coffee in the morning. The options are endless. But did you know there are some healthy and some unhealthy coffee habits which you might be following without even knowing them? Read on to know healthy coffee habits.

1) Drink it black

Plain coffee is chock-full of antioxidants that can help your body combat oxidative stress and support overall health.


2) Make it less sweet

Too much sugar in your coffee every day can start to cause weight gain for some, and for others, it can build up to type-2 diabetes, so the best way to avoid such consequences you should go easy on the sweeteners.

3) Add protein to your coffee

Protein has many health benefits, but in particular, it helps build muscle, lose fat, and provides the energy you need throughout your day.

4) Don’t use disposable coffee cups

Using certain varieties of disposable mugs is convenient but it contains micro-plastics that may find their way into your coffee and can be very harmful.

