2020 was the hottest year in recorded human history, and if that wasn’t dire enough then World Economic Forum has warned that the world is on track for an average temperature rise of 3 degrees Celsius – causing a series of floods, storms, crop failure, melting ice caps, and many other disasters.
Coronavirus pandemic might have reduced the pollution to some extent, but it accounts for a change of only 0.01 degrees Celsius. So it’s just not helpful.
These are the effects of such a steep temperature rise

Latest reports by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations Environment Program have suggested that we are looking at the brink of extreme disasters. They have also warned that this rise of 3 degrees will be irreversible, even if we manage to stop global warming completely.
It will cause extreme weather patterns along with record heat waves, dangerous wildfires, and water crisis all over the world.
A variety of crops such as wheat and potatoes will almost go extinct since they require colder temperatures to thrive. Experts anticipate food shortages, and not just for poor people.
On the other hand, rising sea levels mean that many of the cities such as Shanghai, Miami, Rio de Janerio, and many more will be submerged underwater and will have to be evacuated. Climate Central predicts that this will affect 275 million people.
The COVID lockdown was supposed to reduce pollution, but did it?

The global lockdown that was imposed as the COVID pandemic started, managed to cause a minor dip in our temporary emissions. People saw clear skies over their cities after many decades, but even this magnitude of visible change was brought by a mere 7% reduction in emissions. UNEP has said this will be able to cause only 0.01 degrees of reduction in global warming.
There is only one solution, but it is still not enough

Perhaps the only commendable solution at this point will be the adoption of green energy alternatives all over the world. If the US government passes the Green New Deal, and the rest of the world follows suit – then we can reduce our pollutant emissions by 25% within the coming decade.
Even if we adopt green energy resources, the average temperature rise by the year 2100 will still be at least 2 degrees Celsius.
Our most pertinent problem is that while most of the countries have agreed to zero emissions by 2050, but none of them are applying any short term practices that will take us towards that goal. For all we know, the goal could be shifted again from 2050 to 2070, and so on.
UN environment chief Erik Solheim said:
“We still find ourselves in a situation where we are not doing nearly enough to save hundreds of millions of people from a miserable future.”
What can the common people do for our world?

As citizens of the world, it would be our responsibility to save our world. And while the generic recommendations would be to use recycled products, save electricity, use public transport, etc – the most crucial thing that common people can do is to hold their politicians and companies accountable for their impact on the environment.
Do not support the cutting down of forests in the name of development, or privatization of water, and reject the anti-environment policies that are created by governments to favor the short-sighted profit goals of corporations.
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