Stories of regrets often start with “If only…” Well, It doesn’t matter, regrets take you nowhere but what matters is knowing what you might regret in the future. This is why in this blog we are sharing 7 things that you might regret after a few years.
1. Pretending to be someone else

If your real face is different from the one you always show the world, someday you’ll regret it because you spend way too much time focusing on what others think of you, who they want you to be, and gradually you forget who you really are. So don’t be afraid of people being judgemental and stay true to yourself. You don’t have to be the version of yourself that people like to impress and inspire people.
2. Avoiding change

Your past defines your present and your present defines your future. What’s gone is never going to come back, so let go of your past and make way for what’s new, what’s going to define your future. As they say, life is now, focus on today for a successful tomorrow.
3. Settling for less than you deserve

You should let go of your insecurities and patient enough to wait for what you truly deserve. Even a lion takes two steps back to jump forward, so it’s okay to lower your head before standing up taller. Let tears wash your vision so that you see the possibilities. Don’t settle Sometimes your eyes need to be washed by your tears so you can see the possibilities in front of you with a clearer vision again. So, don’t settle for less than you deserve.
4. Giving up too soon

Failures should be taken as learnings and not as heartbreaks. When you truly desire something, don’t get disheartened when the results don’t match your expectations. Learning what you can and moving on is your best bid. Believe that success is a process that is achieved by walking small steps, taking countless decisions, and acting even when your spirits are crushed.
5. Being egoistic and selfish

Spreading love and positive vibes is the best what we can give to the world. Your love and your good character are your true wealth. This is what will keep you alive in the hearts of the people surrounding you today. Your life should be about touching lives as what you do for others is the only thing that stays behind you.