Some say it is so easy to understand a pet’s body language while some others claim it is impossible to understand them. There’s also one bit of population that claims that animals are puzzling. If you have pets, you’ll agree. Sometimes, we have no idea what they’re thinking and what they’re about to do next. And this wonderment keeps all pet parents occupied! They’ll go about their day doing something regular when suddenly they will do something out of the ordinary. All you’ll want to do in that moment is click a picture and cherish the moment when your pet puzzled you beyond your understanding. Much like these 17 animals! Take a look.
1. “Just my dog taking naps. Normal…”

2. “I almost reported a kidnapping when I saw the interior of all the walls was scratched almost 6 feet up. Then I saw the dog.”

3. “Did my business, walked away, came back, and found this!”

4. “Mr. Zoolander wanted to do some washing machine spelunking when he got bamboozled by the lid.”

5. “The sweet taste of freedom is edging ever closer.”

6. “My Maine Coon goes outside even when it’s pouring, then sits in front of the door like this…”

7. “Daisy with her favorite toy”

8. “You’re supposed to go in the crate…”

9. “I remove the dog’s bowls and come back to find Kira.”

10. “Just watching some Mandalorian.”

11. “My dog doesn’t like it when you sneeze so she tries to hide in the dishwasher.”

12. “How could you be mad at her with eyes like those.”

13. “Threw my dog a birthday party. He seems unimpressed.”

14. Look at this animal thief!

15. “Clover enjoys my sandals.”

16. “Forgot to put the bowl back on her automatic feeder.”

17. “The face of regret”