
15 People who had the most unlucky days!

bad days

Bad days are inevitable. We all have them, and all we want in the moments of such days is for the day to end. Without losing hope and heart, we have to keep going about the day like everything’s normal and act the least frustrated. Some others find another mechanism to channelize their frustration by sharing it with others. We’ve collected some such incidents. Some of these will really make you feel bad while the rest others will force out a smile thinking about we all go through the same. Whichever way it makes you feel, one thing’s for sure. These people have braved through these difficult, frustrating days by adding some humor to their situation and tried to feel lighter by sharing it with the world. Take a look!

1. “The start of my weight loss journey”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

2. “I’ve just hung my new TV set on the wall and turned it on. Cool.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

3. “The first 5 minutes of my first ride of the season”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

4. “My puppy chewed up my hand carved coffee table I had shipped from Japan.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

5. “The bag with coal ripped in the back of my car.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

6. “I was getting ready for bed and the soap dispenser fell off.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

7. “I thought I ordered 5 bananas.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

8. “My 2-year-old was playing in the bedroom as usual today, I went to get her and found this.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

9. “My girlfriend told me she had never cooked fish before. But I never expected this.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

10. “I got home really late, and finally got the motivation to make dinner. While putting the dressing away, my big cat came bulldozing through.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

11. “I faceplanted onto asphalt yesterday. This is literally my nightmare.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

12. “On my first day off after working 14 days straight, the power company is doing a planned outage.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

13. “I ordered a Ben 10 action figure, and got a used baby sock instead.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

14. “My headphones have just upgraded themselves to Bluetooth.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

15. “I cleaned my glasses too hard. I’m at work, and don’t have a spare pair.”

20 People Whose Luck Seems to Have Turned Away From Them
Courtesy: Reddit

