
15 Husbands share some funny, some sweet pictures of their wives!

husband and wife jokes

Courtesy: Reddit

The relationship between a husband and a wife could be both enjoyable and yet hilarious at the same time for some. But the good part about this is that it makes space for fun between the two, gives an opportunity to know each other’s reactions better, and also a chance for partners to see how their partner thinks or sees them. While some of these wife pictures are funny, some others are cute and sweet. It does feel great, isn’t it, when a partner posts something with encouraging words like “proud” and the like? These 15 husbands have their own ways of expressing the kind of relationship they have with their wives, and they’re a mixture of some funny and some sweet pictures of their wives.

 1. “Started collecting pictures of my wife falling asleep in various places.”

People Decided to Share Pics of Their Wives, and We Couldn’t Love Them More
Courtesy: Reddit

2. “My wife and newborn giving each other the side eye”

People Decided to Share Pics of Their Wives, and We Couldn’t Love Them More
Courtesy: Reddit

3. “A photo of my wife — it was some illusion, she’s 5’7”.”

Courtesy: Reddit

4. “My wife just finished making this quilt. She’s pretty awesome.”

Courtesy: Reddit

5. “My wife, before riding a new roller coaster.”

Courtesy: Reddit

6. “My wife’s birthday is today! Here’s one of my presents.”

Courtesy: Reddit

7. “My wife with Danny DeVito at Coachella in 2007”

Courtesy: Reddit

8. “My dog, using my wife as a pillow”

Courtesy: Reddit

9. “My wife during the horah dance at our wedding”

Courtesy: Reddit

10. “The first picture we ever were in together, then 7 years later — we met in MMA class.”

Courtesy: Reddit

11. “Here is my wife and her reaction to: ’Come on baby, it’s for internet points.’”

Courtesy: Reddit

12. “Find someone who loves you the way my wife and cat love each other.”

Courtesy: Reddit

13. “My wife made a face and I knew I’d seen it somewhere before.”

Courtesy: Reddit

14. “My wife said no one will get this costume. Joke’s on her, one person did!”

Courtesy: Reddit

15. “My wife sent me this selfie today. I like to think ‘Jeff’ is yelling at her to frig off.”

Courtesy: Reddit

