
15 Apparently Ordinary Things That Mean the World to Someone

Believe it or not but most of us find our joy, satisfaction, and happiness in the simple and small things. These could be simple stuffed toys, symbolic tattoos, or even finally getting a haircut. What’s strange is that personally somewhere deep down we all have something like that close to our heart. However, when it comes to somebody else’s attachment to such simple stuff, we struggle to put our feet in their shoes. But no matter what, we know this feeling.

And for that particular emotion, we have compiled a set of pictures silently telling us the stories behind them.

1. “After 7 ankle surgeries, my last knee scooter bit the dust. Just got a new one!”

Courtesy: ChestypullerUSMC / Reddit

2. “Tonight is my first night in a proper bed in longer than I can remember, and I built it myself.”

Courtesy: dingosaurus / Reddit

3. “I got injured in 2020, but I found a new hobby, and today I made the fountain I used to run past every day.”

Courtesy: Idratherbeatingtoast / Reddit

4. “Depression was so bad I couldn’t do my dishes for months. Today was the first time both my sinks have been clean since March.”

Courtesy: NateMan1996 / Reddit

5. “My daughter showed me that she’s been writing every number when she gets bored. So I dug up my very old notebook.”

Courtesy: Bornahallac / Reddit

6. “My son Carlisle, he’s 18 and a college graduate. They said he’d end up in a group home for autism.”

Courtesy: ratsafari / Reddit

7. “My son’s Star Wars wall. (No idea how long it took me to paint).”

Courtesy: NeWardog / Reddit

8. “After a year of not looking after myself, finally got my hair cut and started therapy, time for a new beginning!”

Courtesy: Brooksy925 / Reddit

9. “In memory of my father.”

Courtesy: PupsikCat / Imgur

10. “I saved this Pooh Bear I got in 1992 for my future child. Here’s my 5-month-old girl loving him like her daddy once did.”

Courtesy: Lemonpiee / Reddit

11. “I have cerebral palsy, which has always made it difficult for me to run and jog. Today I jogged 3 km!”

Courtesy: karlbarxalot / Reddit

12. “I got into a car accident and was scared of driving. Today I took my car out and drove around (with my stuffed toy to feel better!)”

Courtesy: Pristine-Tomorrow710 / Reddit

13. “Surprised my dad by flying across the country to board the last flight of his career.”

Courtesy: JephriB / Reddit

14. “Life has gotten better, jobs going well and kicking my anxiety’s butt. My sister got me some Neon Zebra pattern dungarees.”

Courtesy: thatlegendsguy / Reddit

15. “An elderly neighbor of mine is throwing a birthday party for his dog.”

Courtesy: Grey_Gryphon / Reddit





