
14 Pictures on how animals are our best friends!

Courtesy: Reddit

If you’ve lived with or around animals, you’ll agree that they are the best of friends. There’s something about animals, pets or not, that makes you want to drop everything and give them attention. And they will not settle for anything less than our undivided attention either. When they need your time, they’ll do anything to steal it from you. Even if they have to put their head on your laptop’s keyboard. Animals are special because they help with coping with whatever we are undergoing in life. They give us the calm to deal with life. To simply take a break from routine and focus on our mental wellbeing. Who better than animals to check on that?

Take a look at these 14 photos that prove just that. These people have found a way to let animals into their lives. They’re not all pets. But their emotions towards humans are genuine. They’re absolutely sweet!

1. “He caught his first chicken.”

Courtesy: Reddit

2. “Guess who?”

Courtesy: Reddit

3. “He was mad I was paying attention to the game and not to him.”

Courtesy: Reddit

4. “Yesterday, I went to an amusement park.”

Courtesy: Reddit

5. “Never been happier!”

Courtesy: Reddit

6. “The joys of going for a walk on a warm day”

Courtesy: Reddit

7. “I love him, but sometimes he’s weird.”

Courtesy: Reddit

8. “Went out to apologize to the garbage guys for having a ton of trash this week. They ended up taking a break and playing with the dogs for 5 minutes.”

Courtesy: Reddit

9. “A girl teaching her cat how to write”

Courtesy: Reddit

10. “He wants belly rubs.”

Courtesy: Reddit

11. “Seriously?”

Courtesy: Reddit

12. “My dog, Doobie, being a derp with my littlest sister”

Courtesy: Reddit

13. “This alley cat comes by every morning to say hello.”

Courtesy: Reddit

14. “Give me a sweet kiss, pretty please.”

Courtesy: Reddit

