
12 People Nailed Their Halloween Look

The season of trick-or-treating is here as creative people’s most loved festival Halloween is around the corner. People are getting geared up to compete with their friends and family, and use their creativity to get that kickass look.

This is why we are here, to amaze you, inspire you and let you know how far some people went with their creativity and nail some of the iconic looks. Take a look, and let us know which of these looks impressed you the most?

1. “My wife made her own How to Train Your Dragon costume from scratch for Halloween!”

Courtesy: Reddit

2. “My son’s Young Maleficent costume I’ve been “working on” for two years, finally finished by his mom just in time for Halloween.”

Courtesy: Reddit

3. “Rosey the Robot from the Jetsons. Handmade costume by my roommate.”

Courtesy: Reddit

4. “Post Malone, for Halloween, turned out better than anticipated.”

Courtesy: Reddit

5. “ZOMBIE ATTACK! I wrapped friends in duct tape and stuffed the forms to make this Halloween display.”

Courtesy: Reddit

6. “My 6-year-old sister wanted to be Coraline for Halloween and for me to accompany her as the Other Mother. Here is our result!”

Courtesy: Reddit

7. My 2-year-old son,  as Pennywise. I made the entire costume and am extremely happy with how it turned out.

Courtesy: Reddit

8. “My daughter shaved her head for St Baldrick’s last month, so she went as Eleven for Halloween.”

Courtesy: Reddit

9. “Amputee Adventure Time Costume ¯\_(?)_,”

Courtesy: Reddit

10. “Stopping by the Apple Store in my Halloween costume!”

Courtesy: Reddit

11. “Freddy Mercury Halloween Costume!”

Courtesy: Reddit

12. “Guy dressed up as a stock photo for Halloween!”

Courtesy: Reddit


