When little things get tough, find out the innovative solutions to deal with them. Solutions that are clever, and improvised to turn things around, hacks that will make your life easier and efficient.
Here are a few best life hacks which people have found out about through their struggles.
1) Hulk hands to move cacti.
2) When your cats are indoors but still need to breathe some fresh air.
3) Use of egg slicer to cut mushrooms.
4) Tore a chip packet? Use a hole puncher to keep it from spreading.
5) Put things on the hood instead of the top of your car. You won’t forget it.
6) A carabiners with a sponge grip.
7) Put the ends of the spring onions in a glass of water, they’ll grow back and you won’t run out of them.
8) An earring for your Airpods.
9) A CD rack for storing your things/
10) A hook/hanger to keep the trash bag in place.