The debate on the pros and cons of inventions has been and will always be a never-ending one. TBH, there never will be a conclusion to this discussion because everything in this world does have some good or bad in it. As long as we are mindful about using these technological inventions in balance, it’s all good. That’s something to think about.
Some of us also wonder about the gizmos that our future generations will use. Like, our grandchildren will probably use gadgets that might only seem like fiction or fantasy at the moment, isn’t that cool?
Take a look at some such tech gadgets. The laundry folding magnet is a winner!
1. A device that translates animal thoughts into human language

2. A lighter watch

3. The Smart Finger: A distance-measuring device

4. A fridge that uses biopolymer gel to cool food

5. A nail watch

6. A hanger that dries and disinfects towels

7. The pen printer

8. A circular shower

9. A speaker that lets you touch music

10. A robot suitcase