Anybody can be a designer but not everyone can be a GOOD designer. It takes dedication to create something that isn’t just a need but also thoughtful. For example, most designers who make toilet paper would place cardboard rolls to create the roll. But one smart and thoughtful designer added mini rolls in between, making the customer smile. It is things like these that sell and minds like these that are provoking the world to innovate more. A few happy customers appreciated this gesture by sharing pictures on the internet, and we wanted to be a part of their team on this one. You’ll know why when you see these pictures.
1. “These intelligently-designed stacking stools”

2. “Milk bread packaging”

3. “In Antwerp (Belgium), we have trash cans designed to fit pizza boxes.”

4. “A barcode from a German pen”

5. “A bra supporter that is shaped like a hand”

6. “A barcode on a roll of paper towels”

7. “A metal gate design somewhere in Rome”

8. “A notepad from a warehouse supply business”

9. “This single-use Sriracha packet — not only does it look like the real bottle, but you also have to take the ‘cap’ off to use it!”

10. “A basket-designed cafe with an orange grove in Jeju, South Korea”